Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Magic of Grandchildren

I have a friend who is having a visit from her first grandchild. On her Facebook page she mentions her delight at finding the "wee one's" sippy cup in the fridge first thing in the morning. What a blessed time in her life!

Reading her post transported me back to when my first grandchild made his appearance in the world. Because of my precious daughter and awesome son-in-law allowed it, I had the wondrous privilege of being present at his birth. I held him and rocked him and sang Jesus Loves Me to him. My precious daughter, exhausted and worn out from the birth, barely had the strength to hold him. I gladly (joyously) filled in and it was at that moment that a reservoir was opened in my heart that I never knew existed. Love roiled up and poured out on this tiny, wide-eyed bundle in my arms. I felt I had never really known love before, so amazing was this gusher! Oh, the magic of grandchildren, especially the first one. As the others come they are loved with this great love too. The reservoir is already open and flowing.

When my first granddaughter arrived there was a little complication and she was in critical care for a while. I would go into see her and cry out to God with all that was in me for her recovery. She was so new, so tiny, yet so loved, and I thought my heart would break if anything happened to her. She did recover (Hallelujah! and Praise Jesus!) and is about to turn 16 and start (horrors) driving... The years pass. The first grandchild is now in his first apartment and has a job he really likes. Number two grandson is graduating from high school this year. The two youngest boys, 13 years old, are about to embark on an adventure with two, not so young anymore, grandparents and head out west on a vacation of their choice. Hopefully, we will all make some special memories. I know I will.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Unexpected Blog

Wow, never thought I would do this but I just HAD to comment on a post on a friend's blog. In order to do that I had to sign up. One thing led to another and here I am. Most of us have a desire to express our thoughts, our desires, our hopes, our dreams. The world of blogging opens up possibilities for us. Imagine, anyone can be "published" on a blog! Even little ole me! Not one to put pen to paper, I find the computer just the tool for me. Easy to make corrections, no need to start from scratch due to that blasted typo. The perfect tool for the impatient. The paper is white (so to speak), how shall I fill it?